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It's Invasive Species Week. What are you doing (or not doing) to fight the good fight?

Writer's picture: NaturediggerNaturedigger

As an individual or as a community, we are always being asked to do this or buy that to help the environment; and the list is long. Use reusable bags, buy reusable straws, clean up our neighborhoods, clean up our oceans, buy reef-friendly sunscreen, get a tune up, or better yet, buy hybrids or electric cars to help combat the effects of climate change.DO, DO, DO. What if you were askedNOTtodo something instead and have it make a major difference in our natural world, would you consider it? When it comes to invasive species, that's exactly what you should do. This means, DoNOTbuy plants that are not native to your region, do NOT release pets or plants into the environment, and doNOTspread seeds from invasive species to other natural areas. Pretty easy to do, right? Unfortunately, because people have made the choice toDO all of the above, we now have invasive species from all over the world outcompeting our native plants and animals causing major problems within our native ecosystems. 

Above images are just a few examples of invasive species plaguing North America. Click on the caption for more information. There are literally thousands more. So what happened? How did all they get here?

For starters, terrestrial plants are often brought in by nurseries and sold to the public for private or commercial gardens. This is typically due to demand from gardeners. When they escape, there is usually nothing to keep them in check, like there is in their native territory, and they take over, displacing native plants. Is this a big deal? Oh you bet it is –A VERY BIG DEAL. These newcomers weren't supposed to be here, therefore, they are not compatible with the insects and birds that have been here for thousands of years and have co-evolved with species that supply them with the food and shelter they've always depended on. Here's where you doNOTsupport nurseries that fail to supply customers with native plants and who knowingly sell invasive species. That's easy, right? Check.

Next up is aquarium and terrarium species. This is a big one. We humans can be described as a water loving species, but we sure have a funny way of showing affection for something we use and enjoy as much as rivers, lakes and ponds. By purchasing, then releasing aquarium species or water garden plants into a waterbody, you are likely dooming several native populations. Red-eared sliders are a good example (see above). They are a mid-western species that becomes invasive outside of its native range. Once introduced to a pond or lake, this extremely aggressive turtle soon takes over and displaces native turtles. Since they are long-lived, impacts from a single release can be devastating.

Aquatic plants (and animal larvae) are transported from waterbody to waterbody mainly by boats and fishing tackle. If we clean, drain and dry our boats and rinse off tackle before heading to another waterbody, there would be no need for boat inspections at boat launches. Our rivers and lakes would be thriving instead of struggling with the introduction of Brazilian elodea, hydrilla, milfoil, quagga and zebra mussels, to name a (very) few.

Don't forget about those reptiles people simply musthave in their homes until they are no longer convenient or the right fit for the household and are released. There are personal health issues including salmonella risk with these animals, but nothing compares to unimaginable havoc they wreak on our ecosystems. The Florida Everglades are facing one of the most devastating impacts an ecosystem has ever experienced in this country due to pythons being released into the wild. Let's not forget about the green iguanas taking over south Florida causing so much damage to gardens and landscapes that residents are now allowed to kill and eat them, as long as they kill them humanely. How can this even be a thing? Because people tend to make very bad decisions about how to dispose of pets and plants, instead they do what's easy, quick and inexpensive; open the back door or take a quick trip to the lake. What's the solution here?DON'Tdo it! 

Lastly, if you make sure you or your landscaper (if you have one) ensure you are not transporting invasive species from one space with invasive species to one without, that would behuge! By rinsing mowers and checking shoes and pants for seeds, you have avoided a new infestation. Another easy fix.

Let's summarize:  How do we begin to fix this mess we've gotten ourselves into? Since humans are a major part of the problem, humans must solve it. By now, some species like Japanese knotweed cannot be eradicated, pythons in the Everglades are probably here to stay as well, so professionals must manage these species. However, we can all stop bringing them into the country by not purchasing them. Simply stop buying them! Never, EVER release aquatic plants or animals into waterways, always surrender them to a pet store or donate them to a school. If you can't find a pet store who will take them, or a place to donate them, find a home for them on Craigslist or Facebook. Whatever you do,DON'T RELEASE THEM INTO THE WILD!

Of course there are aquatic invasive species coming in regularly from other countries in the ballast water of ships. The Great Lakes have seen at least 186 invasive species enter waterways in ballast water. Efforts to curb new infestations coming into the lakes are underway, but there remains a constant threat and a real concern, ask any Great Lakes resident.

So let's look at what you don't need to do againone more time:

• Don't buy invasive (or non-native) plants for your garden or animals for your house

• Don't release plants or animals into nature, they don't belong there

• Don't bring home any seeds on your clothes or shoes from a hike or even a friend's yard, or allow your landscaper to bring anything from another yard to yours.

Something you actuallycan and shoulddo, is report any invasive species being sold in your local nurseries to your state Department of Agriculture immediately. That's  just a phone call. You can do that, right?

See? By doing almost nothing (in this particular case), you're helping solve a major crisis in North America. Nice work!

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