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It's Time for the Privacy Talk...
Naturedigger's Privacy Policy

Effective: November 20, 2018

This Privacy Policy describes how Naturedigger uses information collected using our iOS mobile apps and our website.

Information Collected about You:
Naturedigger may receive user data and other information provided by the user only if they choose to use our feedback email located in the slide out menu of our educational apps, or if they use our Contact option on the Naturedigger website. Using either of these options is not mandatory, and therefore the user is not in any way required to give personal information to Naturedigger at any time. If a user chooses to contact Naturedigger, the only information we receive will be an email address from the sender and any additional information provided by the user in the email, such as a name. We do not sell or share email addresses.

Contact us at: or use the Contact form on this website.

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